Monday, March 4, 2013

Moving forward.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of being surrounded by people I didn't know at a "party" event for someone who hates his birthday. I was also surrrounded by girls who even though they were little and annoying,  could easily kick my ass because they are enlisted in the army. I only liked a few of the people there, and just sat in the corner and observed and watched people. I didn't drink, because 

1. I don't know these people.
2. Not really into keystone (the people were like 18-19 but the straight edge - this is my first party- type.)
3. I was eating cookie cake.
4. I was driving, so duh, I'm not drinking.

Even though it was kind of awkward, a little boring, and a little weird, I got to meet some people, and observed others. It was a good night. Now, I need to focus hardcore on school, because I refuse to fail round 2 of my tests. I am going to do well meaning an A or a B on all four of my midterms so I can reward myself with more etsy finds and a stitchfix. I've been meaning to schedule one, but money is tight these days. I'm also very pleased that I have been able to wear shorts with tights for three days now, with not wearing my big ugly coat. 

In the midst of school, work, etc. I find myself letting things go easier. A little, because I'm a Taurus, and that part will never leave me, but I'm not mad at my roommate for pointless things she did to annoy me a while ago. I've moved on.

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