"Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is too short."
This is yet another busy week in the oh so exciting life of me. I'm exhausted of this life already. Remind me to never work this much, plus take this much school again. Today, while on my lunch, and listening to my music loudly (Today's choice was Kanye West Presents: G.O.O.D Music Cruel Summer) I began thinking about my future. Not just my bedroom in a month future.
- I want to acquire many books, and have a cool library one day, in my house, with those cool sliding ladders.
- I want to live in a city (preferably Chicago or Seattle). If I can't live in a city, then I want to live here, where I am.
- If I can't live in either of those, I want to move to Europe. See ya Murika.
- I know this may sound vain of me, but I want to accomplish something. By this, I mean, in my career, I want to be known for something. My friend's uncle, who happens to be the director of my major's program was the first person ever to testify using DNA. He was also the first person to find some discovery about fingerprinting. I think that's so cool. I feel like once I make a real career out of my job, I can retire, knowing that I did something.
- I want two children. Five years apart. Boy first, then a girl. I know I can't really control these things, but it's what I'm hoping for.
- If I have a fancy wedding one day, it will be black/white/gold or champagne. Classy. If it's not fancy, I want it to be casual, and vintage, with hanging DIY lights and all.
- I want a yorkie puppy once in my life. There was one who used to live in our neighborhood. His name was sweet pea. He was the sweetest little yorkie I've ever met. When the old lady who owned him moved away, she offered me her three tv's. I wanted her dog.
I say this now, but who is to say that my perceptions of the future may change tomorrow? That's the thing about my mind i've noticed lately. I constantly change my mind. Over everything. What to wear, what to eat, whether to eat, what to read, what to drink, what way to go to work, everything. I'm so indecisive, and it's to the point where it's becoming unhealthy.
I guess I'm rambling again. Damn. I'm so disappointed in my writing lately. I do it, but it doesn't give me the same satisfaction as it does when it's good. Le sigh.
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