"I don't mind, if we take our time, cause I'm all yours, if you're all mine."
I'm going to try to not be that annoying person who constantly talks about how happy she is with so and so and how perfect he is blah blah blah because I hate those people, and I try my best to be a hypocrite. But I don't have anyone to talk to when it comes to these kinds of things, so I just need to put it somewhere, and this just so happen to be the place.
Even if this doesn't end up being long term, I've made a new friend, a new best friend, at that. We don't do anything too extravagant. Except for that one time we ate at some really fancy restaurant (not really fancy, but to us) and then we felt weird so we watched Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, and The Avengers - In one sitting. He left this morning to some field exercise or something and I won't be able to talk to him until Monday. I mean, I only see him 2 days a week anyways, so, you know, "lo que sea". I'm just going to go through this weekend, just because I had a really good time.

Then, since he literally talks about this establishment every day, I decided to cave and go with him to Five Guys, since he hasn't even been since he moved from Texas. It looks gross, and I swear my heart actually stopped for a good minute, but damn, it was so delicious.

I want to delve so deeply about people and their phobias of interracial relationships, but i'll save that for later.
He also said I could have his Girl with the Dragon Tattoo poster, because he didn't have anymore room on his. I've never met a guy so nice. (Actually I have, but he was not my type, and too sweet. The kindest soul I've ever met)
I don't care that he impersonates Pokémon just to make me laugh when I'm sad, or that he tries to understand infinity scarves. I don't care that he has an accent and that all my friends make fun of him, because really, he is just as weird as I am.
Okay, I've had my sentimental moment of 2012, don't worry, It won't happen again. This is also the most I'll probably every post about him, since I feel awkward talking about my life sometimes.
Ugh, it's 1:22 a.m., my homework isn't done, and I want a burger.
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