I haven't written here in so long, only because I worked extra, and my friends from out of state came in for the holidays. I always complain about having to change my schedule around to see them and such, but I really enjoy seeing them. I got to spend extra time with Juan, and I noticed some things during our silly adventure.
I think I am slowly coming out of the infatuation stage. I think he is too. We didn't see each other for two weeks due to scheduling issues, and we eventually found ourselves arguing over something so small. It's weird, being in a purgatory between these two stages. I don't know exactly what it means. Is this progression? I can't decide. Some days I'm completely infatuated and he is on my mind 24/7. Other days, I wish he would just stop texting me and leave me alone. This has never happened, and then I just get confused. Everyone says that the beginning of relationships are the best. I really have enjoyed the first three months of this relationship so far, and I kind of don't want to move on, simply because I don't know what's coming. But yeah, coming out of the infatuation stage, so that's exciting. Kinda.
I am on my A game this holiday season, because I am halfway through my extensive list of people that I choose to give gifts to. It's not my fault that I have too many immediate family members, with half of them with birthdays around the holidays too. Oh also, most of the them are children, so money doesn't really work in these situations. I only included moms, dads, my siblings, my roommates, and Juan. That's 12 people. I swear if my stepmom births another, I'm going to be broke.
I am extremely tired these days. I don't know why. It's to the point where I am slightly fatigued. At work, it's really hard to focus, because I usually have a migrane, and have to deal with stupid people. I don't say anything, because I don't want anyone to look at me with pity, a look of annoyance, etc. So I just act like everything is normal.
I've also found that school doesn't stimulate me very much anymore. I used to enjoy going to lectures, learning new things, and challenging myself. This semester has progressively made me more tiresome of school and everything that goes with it. I dread bringing my shit to class to sit there and not be focused. I just play on my phone all day. I think taking this many hours this semester really shut me down. I know I'm not that stimulated since I also bring my computer to class to not take notes. I actually made my fall post during a "lecture". Note I put lecture in quotations because to me, looking at stupid cop arrests gone wrong on ebaums world and talking about the legalization of drugs because it is or isn't legal isn't a lecture. My mind is not in your class, so I'm not going to waste time, when I could be doing something else.
I also realized that if I want to do my dream job, I am going to have to have at least 2 years experience as a cop. Lovely. My body build and structure do not equal cop. I'm not going to change my dream job, I'll just suffer for a couple years, no big deal.
yeah, my writing hasn't been so great lately, I mean I didn't even put a quote at the top of this one.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Lack of opinion, lack of mind.
"In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane."
Something just came upon me today, while I was at work, waiting for customers to stop ogling at the food, and finally just choose one. People may annoy me with their opinions, but people who have no opinions annoy me even more. There are a few statements I've heard lately that have been pushing my buttons. Let me explain.
Statement 1: "I wish they could let people who don't know anything about politics not vote."
Statement 2: "I don't give a fuck who wins the election, we're all fucked anyways."
Let's just start with those two, for now, so that you can all move on with your lives, instead of just reading my post for days.
Statement 1: THE ELECTION IS OVER. Got it? Like really, it's over. ALSO. If they did that, no one would be able to vote. Why? Because everyone is biased. You can't expect a Democrat to know everything, and if he or she did, it's impossible, because his or her beliefs stand in the way of truth. It's hard to be unbiased on anything these days. Also, the people who have been telling me these things don't know much either. I'm not saying I know much, but I know that I myself is biased, when I shouldn't be. But I'm young, and I'll learn the hard way. It's the only way I get things ingrained in my mind, ask my mother.
Statement 2: Again, THE ELECTION IS OVER. SOMEONE ALREADY WON THE ELECTION. People who are literally too stupid to realize that the election is over, there is no such thing as the first lady debate, etc. BLOW MY MIND APART. Also, I love the optimism in the fact that we're all fucked. Yeah, we're all fucked, but some of us want it to be enjoyable you know? Also, if you're going to be ungrateful to live in a country, where you have freedom, and the opportunity to make something of yourselves and voice your non existent opinions, then kindly get the fuck out. There are millions of people everywhere who would love to live your privileged little life.
I could go on for days on those two subjects, but I'm trying my best to not sound ignorant. I know that I know about 1% of things that are to be learned in this world. I know that everything I believe in now could be everything I'm against in the future. I know these things, I just wish that people my age weren't so naive and stupid. I wish they were open to the world around them, and break free from what they were taught to know. A world filled with individual opinions is better than a world divided apart from fixed opinions. I know I'm being dramatic, but oh well.
Moving on. People with no opinion whatsoever.
"I don't care."
"LOL at people with opinions."
Okay first of all, who still uses LOL. Like really, I only use it sarcastically. I don't lol in real life, so I don't use it. I also only use variations to be even more sarcastic, which includes "lul" or "lolol" if you are not 16 or younger and still use this, please, look at your life, or just kindly don't text me that anymore. Second, how can you not have an opinion? About anything? You will follow to anything or anyone? If Big Brother happened to be our leader tomorrow, you would be okay with that? Let's get real here. I don't give a flying fuck about a lot of things in life. That is to purely make my life easier, since I've realized that 90% of the world are stupid, ignorant fucks. But really? You have no opinion on anything at all, human rights, foreign policy, drugs, anything? It blows my mind. I have an opinion on everything. I don't say them out loud, since there is a time and place for everything. I can't even put into words how I feel about people with no opinions. I've been staring at this paragraph for 20 minutes now. I just can't do it.
I would go on the subject of trolls, but I should be sleeping, so I can get ready for my long day at work tomorrow.
Fall in love with Fall.
"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
Fall is simply my favorite time, next to spring. I love the colors that the leaves change, and I love the hues of orange and red everything is. It's the time where you can drive with the window rolled down, with that calming breeze in the air (unless you live where I live where most days the wind is relentless.) I love waking up and drinking hot coffee (because I only drink hot coffee when the weather permits it), and wearing shorts with tights. That is my favorite thing to wear, and if I could, I would wear it everyday. I love scarves, and during the fall, I wear one almost everyday. Everyday.
This morning, it was quite foggy outside, which put me in a happy mood. I love the fog. I love the feel, the look, just everything. It also reminds me of Harry Potter, where the dementors come, and every aspect of happiness is drained. I know that completely contradicts my love for fall, but I love the thrill of things like that, so I also like to look at my happiness as warding off the dementors. Moving on.
Another reason why I love fall, is simply because really great things seem to happen to me during the fall. In the fall, two of my siblings were born, I've met some really cool people, and I find myself just constantly being happy. Also during the fall season, I feel like school goes by so much faster, since there are so many breaks and what not.
One of my favorite holidays is Thanksgiving. I love eating, and this holiday centers around food. So naturally, I love it. Mashed potatoes and pie and cookies and just food. Delicious. I also love how either though I don't have the best relationship with anyone in my family, except for my 2 year old brother, we can just shove everything under the rug so we can eat and relax together (did you catch my dash of sarcasm there?) But in all honesty, I do love it. I've had great memories concerning this holiday, including moving into my home, watching whatever kid's movie is in theaters with my best friend, and the smell of fall in the air.
I also love driving around during Thanksgiving. Everyone is cooped up inside, and the roads are empty and quiet. It's one of my favorite things. I don't usually black friday shop, but I do work in retail, so just go home, sleep, and relax, to prepare myself for the next day.
However, I do dislike winter, so I try to hold on to fall as much as possible.
Monday, November 19, 2012
"Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is too short."
This is yet another busy week in the oh so exciting life of me. I'm exhausted of this life already. Remind me to never work this much, plus take this much school again. Today, while on my lunch, and listening to my music loudly (Today's choice was Kanye West Presents: G.O.O.D Music Cruel Summer) I began thinking about my future. Not just my bedroom in a month future.
- I want to acquire many books, and have a cool library one day, in my house, with those cool sliding ladders.
- I want to live in a city (preferably Chicago or Seattle). If I can't live in a city, then I want to live here, where I am.
- If I can't live in either of those, I want to move to Europe. See ya Murika.
- I know this may sound vain of me, but I want to accomplish something. By this, I mean, in my career, I want to be known for something. My friend's uncle, who happens to be the director of my major's program was the first person ever to testify using DNA. He was also the first person to find some discovery about fingerprinting. I think that's so cool. I feel like once I make a real career out of my job, I can retire, knowing that I did something.
- I want two children. Five years apart. Boy first, then a girl. I know I can't really control these things, but it's what I'm hoping for.
- If I have a fancy wedding one day, it will be black/white/gold or champagne. Classy. If it's not fancy, I want it to be casual, and vintage, with hanging DIY lights and all.
- I want a yorkie puppy once in my life. There was one who used to live in our neighborhood. His name was sweet pea. He was the sweetest little yorkie I've ever met. When the old lady who owned him moved away, she offered me her three tv's. I wanted her dog.
I say this now, but who is to say that my perceptions of the future may change tomorrow? That's the thing about my mind i've noticed lately. I constantly change my mind. Over everything. What to wear, what to eat, whether to eat, what to read, what to drink, what way to go to work, everything. I'm so indecisive, and it's to the point where it's becoming unhealthy.
I guess I'm rambling again. Damn. I'm so disappointed in my writing lately. I do it, but it doesn't give me the same satisfaction as it does when it's good. Le sigh.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
"The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less."
I'm going to paint my room during winter break, and at that time, I want to expunge my things. I"m going to give away half the things in my extremely packed closet, clean out my desk, and put most things out of sight. Even though I want this and that, I just want nothing. I don't need half of the things I own, but I so desperately wanted them at one point in my life. I wish I knew how that worked.
I haven't decided If I wanted to put up my wall decal when it's all painted, and put different paintings, wooded framed photos, etc. on my walls, since my walls are so big, or put only a few big pieces of things in my room. I have so much wall space, and it kills me to have it empty, but I don't so many things.
It's also very hard to do this when I want to craft all day and every day. (NO not from pinterest of whatever I'm not one of those.)
I think I'm becoming a minimalist. Less is more. I'm going through a weird phase right now, since school is killing me, and I have only been eating one meal a day for the past 16 days now. No, I don't have a disorder, I simply just lack the time and patience to eat. I have too many things due, I don't have time to be stuffing my face. Since my house hasn't had the heater on, not since last winter, I've been in my room with my space heater, and going downstairs for anything is miserable.
My best friend is a minimalist, in my opinion, and less is more for her. She inspires me sometimes just by literally doing nothing. I also wish I knew how that worked. I wish I had enough money to throw away everything and start over, but that's unrealistic.
That being said, I re-signed my lease today. That's right folks, another year with my best friend, and a girl who just lives for fad diets. It's amazing how things have changed in one year. Let's hope for the best this year.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Social Experiment?
"If looks could really kill, my profession would be staring."
People watching. It's one of my hobbies. I love looking at people on campus. What they wear, how they talk, how they walk, how they react with others. I like observing people in class. How they take notes, if they drink coffee in the morning, if they play with their hair, how they sneak their phone. Just little things. I can't explain it really. I like seeing how people actions and reactions cause other actions and reactions. I think this is why I'm so observant to people. I can instantly tell when one of my friends are upset, sad, lying, uncomfortable, in love. I know that if one of my friends is lying, I won't call them out, but see where they take the lie. It can get pretty interesting. I'm the type of person who likes to sit back, watch everyone and understand everything, but not say a word. Why ruin what a perfect system I have?
That being said, I want to try a social experiment. I've thought about it for the past four days, instead of my research paper. But, I can bull shit those quite easily, so it's no big deal. My thoughts were inspired when I found out that Cole Sprouse, yes, that twin from the Suite Life, had conducted a sociology experiment, for class, or for himself, I don't know. He made a Tumblr account (coletureconcept), posted regular college anthropologist things, but with crazy amount of notes, comments, reblogs, etc. He posted photos of himself, which went all over the site, and he gained a tremendous amount of followers. Recently, he deleted his account, and revealed the truth. People on the site are furious, and felt betrayed. But really, his idea was so brilliant, I wish I was on a Disney show back in the day, just so I could do this experiment. He posted regular photos, and long text philosophical posts. Thousands of notes by people who don't understand what he was trying to say, but only because they had some sort of connection to a child actor who was wildly popular in the 90s-00s. Cole had removed himself from the public eye to live a normal life, going to college, etc. He knew that people would only follow his blog because he was merely a celebrity. He then just sat back and observed everyone. How crazy they were, how upset they were, and how naive they were. So brilliant.
Anyways, I want to do something. I haven't decided yet. I want to do it on a social media site, since I am forever fascinated by the media, and how it is so persuasive, how it can negatively portray people, positively portray people, how it can even cause disorders, and how easily people can be persuaded by a person with a microphone in front of their face. All I know, is that I won't tell anyone about this project, and when I complete it, I will make a post about it, and expose the fools for what they are. Muahaha. So evil, I know. But, I think people need a dose of reality from time to time.
American Horror Story: Asylum
"We're all going to be together in the dark, watching The Sign of the Cross. A movie full of fire, sex, and the death of Christians. What fun."
I told myself that I needed a few episodes to air, before I truly decided if I loved it or not.
Let me just start by saying that I simply adored American Horror Story, when it first started last year, in that big mansion, with the ghosts, Tate, Constance, and my beloved Violet. It was weird psychological horror, which I liked. That also caught me, since I don't like scary movies, and I don't like that kind of thing. I never flinched, and I watched it with the rest of the house in full darkness, which is the only way you should be watching that show. I usually watched it by myself, since no one else I knew would watch it with me, or would be too scared. When I heard that same actors/actresses would be used for the next season, with a completely different story, I thought that it would suck, and that I would hate Ryan Murphy for ruining yet another show that I adored. ( I used to be obsessed with Glee, specifically season 1. Now, it's just a bunch of rubbish.)
Let's begin with the pilot. Adam Levine and Jenna Dewan Tatum, having sex in an abandoned asylum from the 60s. Yeah, that's sanitary. Also their dirty talk was just not the business. Maybe that's because I look at sex differently than just plain fucking. Because fucking is fucking, and sex is sex. I'll explain myself later. Anywhore. Their little part just threw me off, but it made sense later. I know the first episode was to set up the rest of the story lines for the season, so I paid close attention. There are aliens, who look similar to the ones on Dr. Who. They poke and prod, and I don't like that all, mainly because I don't want anyone to poke and prod me (I still haven't been to the "woman doctor" so don't judge.)
I would also like to say that I am currently watching this right now, so I may be distracted. Then, my Tate Langdon has dark hair, is now a young adult of 1964, not my little Kurt Kobain punk rock serial killer. He is also in an interracial relationship, which was super presh. He also looks so good this season, I swear Evan Peters is the bane of my existence. Life ruiner. Anyways. Constance is now a cray nun. My Zachary quinto is the "doctor" and there is some other creepy one. The asylum seems bent, and it also does not look sanitary. Also, Bloodyface. There is a killer of women who kills, then eats them. Socially unacceptable. I wasn't sure at this point if I wanted to watch this. It didn't have the effect that I thought it would. My Tate was also being tortured this season, instead of being tortured. Interesing. At first, I thought I wouldn't get used to the different characters/same actors, but I realized that truly good actors and actresses make you forget about their other characters that they've played. After the second episode, I forgot all about the first season, because I was so wrapped into it.
After a few episodes, I found myself hooked. That annoying psychic from the first season is now some nosy annoying writer, who is a lesbian, which back then was socially unacceptable. But whatever. It started getting better, and I found myself flinching at certain things, because anyblood that is associated with the eyes or neck, I can't even handle. The show has Nazi story lines, exorcisms, and it is totally ridiculous. But, I can't. Stop. Watching.
I can't wait to see what holds in the future episodes. However, if the show turns to shit, then I'll stop. I don't have time for bullshit these days. There are other things to be watching, homework to be doing, people to be seeing.
I wish I knew why, but I can't even give a good explanation as to why. Sorry to dissappoint. I just wanted to go over the first episode. Just because.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Lollapalooza 2012 Part 1
"For three days this summer, people will come to Chicago to witness musical history in real time."
I think the first time around, I never got a chance to go into my Lolla adventure. I've been reminiscent toward the trip lately, and I just want to go back and never come back. It was so much fun. I'm going to tell you about my first experience at a music festival. Bear with me, I'm no pro at this, but I learned a lot of things that weekend. If you don't want to hear about my adventures, then simply don't read it. I don't want to hear you gripe about it later. I'm going to do this into three parts, since I want to go into detail.
I remember walking while taking this photo because I was too excited, but this was the first thing that happened. So, the adventure begins.
First, we kind of just wandered, to take it all in. The atmosphere, the people, everything. It was also very hot, so we first spotted out water locations, thanks to the app. Next, we decided to play a game. Point out the people who were inappropriately dressed for Lollapalooza. I get it, you want to look cute, but wedge shoes, a maxi dress, with a sheer long sleeve shirt, makeup and hair done, and pursed lips, when it's extremely hot and humid outside? Cute, but not cute. If I wanted, I could've looked way better, but I opted with shorts, tank tops, my hair up, and vans. It worked out in my favor. Then we ended up at Anamanaguchi, where we stayed for five minutes, then wandered off to the Perry sound stage, where we watched the last five minutes of the White Panda. They played Call Me Maybe and it was just fun to watch everyone belt it out.
This was the fountain in the middle of Grant Park. We told each other that if we got lost, to go this fountain. We never got lost, but the wind passing through would cool us down. Plus, it's just really pretty.
Next, we went to get good seats to Dr. Dog, but we decided to watch some Yellow Ostrich, since the stages were next to each other. Someone proposed on stage. Personally, I would hate that kind of shit, but I love watching it. For the sake of everyone, thank goodness she said yes. It was sweet and made everyone in a slightly better mood. (The heat was bringing us down).
Next, we went to get good seats to Dr. Dog, but we decided to watch some Yellow Ostrich, since the stages were next to each other. Someone proposed on stage. Personally, I would hate that kind of shit, but I love watching it. For the sake of everyone, thank goodness she said yes. It was sweet and made everyone in a slightly better mood. (The heat was bringing us down).
Dr. Dog. I had never heard of them, but my friend did, and she was the one who decided we should see them, so my other friend and I agreed. They were really good, and we got fairly good seats. (There were no seats, but that's all I can think of haha) I had a really good photo, but I'm in it, and I'm not about to show my face.
Afterwards, we watched The War on Drugs, then we got super hungry, and buying food at festivals is ridiculous, since it's over priced. But, we were in Chicago, so we just left and went to some asian place and ate at the condo. It was way better. We even put our shorts in the freezer (don't judge) and later, we realized it was the best decision we've ever made.
While waiting for M83, we walked through the Die Antwoord crowd. They were weird, but people seemed to really like it. I remembered that I was supposed to buy one of their shirts for Juan, because he's a freak and likes them too. So I did, and bought myself a tank top that I wish I would've bought in a neutral color since wearing bright green now would be weird.
M83. We started out in the back, and shimmied our way up. We ended up closer, but for the fear of dropping or losing my phone, I had put it up by then. They were easily my favorite set of that day. They played two of my favorite songs, and they were worth the wait. (They were 25 minutes late.)
I remember that there was a slot of time where we didn't have anyone we really wanted to see, and everyone seemed to be having a good time at Porter Robinson, so we went. It was pretty much a rave, but it was a good people watcher concert, and it was fun to be silly with my friends.
We also saw the Shins, and walked by DEV and sang along to that song that was on the radio. We also saw Passion Pit, whom I love. The crowd for Passion Pit was kind of rowdy, so we didn't get too far in, because we wanted to leave early anyways to see the Black Keys.
Well, you can't tell, but this was the Black Keys. They were so good, it was insane. The screens around them had these cool lights and patterns, but my phone captured this. You win some, you lose some.
Afterwards, we ate dinner at some fancy restaurant so my friend could eat with her boo thang. The streets turned into a big party, and It was super cool. I remember afterwards my friends, and my friend's brother and his friends were all exhausted and we ate like pigs while we all took turns showering. Day 1 was a complete success.
Do more of what makes you happy.
- Wake up in a positive mood, have a sweet breakfast, and listen to music that wakes you up. (My choice this morning was Taking Back Sunday, since I enjoy closing my eyes and pretending I'm 15 again, when music really made me feel something.)
- Treat yourself. I can't stress this enough. If you wait your whole life waiting for someone to make you happy, you might never achieve it. Make personal goals, save some money, and buy something you really want. (I saved 10% of my checks each week and did well on three tests, and bought myself Aldo boots. TREAT YO SELF)
- If it's nice outside, don't be cooped up inside all day. It's hard to do sometimes, I can tell you that, I am always on the internet. It's times like this where I am thankful for my little balcony. I'll make a glass of tea, bring my ipod and a book, and sit outside. Or I'll go the park and talk a little walk and try to get as close as possible to the ducks.
- Assume people have good intentions. I know this is also hard to do, since I mostly like my people like I like my newborn infants: quiet. But if y ou walk around thinking about why or why not someone is doing this, mainly to makes your miserable, you will be miserable. If you look at the same situation in a positive light, no matter if it's true or not, you will feel better about yourself.
- Eat something that you want. A greasy burger, half of a pie, ice cream, etc. Don't worry about how it was made, how much you'll need to work it off, etc. If you want to be healthy, at least try it once a week. It's rewarding, and so delicious.
These may just be my opinions, but being happy is ultimately up to yourself. I've decided to post this because I've been in a shitty mood lately, and I don't want to ruin my own weekend.
22 feels like 68.
"I don't mind, if we take our time, cause I'm all yours, if you're all mine."
I'm going to try to not be that annoying person who constantly talks about how happy she is with so and so and how perfect he is blah blah blah because I hate those people, and I try my best to be a hypocrite. But I don't have anyone to talk to when it comes to these kinds of things, so I just need to put it somewhere, and this just so happen to be the place.
Even if this doesn't end up being long term, I've made a new friend, a new best friend, at that. We don't do anything too extravagant. Except for that one time we ate at some really fancy restaurant (not really fancy, but to us) and then we felt weird so we watched Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, and The Avengers - In one sitting. He left this morning to some field exercise or something and I won't be able to talk to him until Monday. I mean, I only see him 2 days a week anyways, so, you know, "lo que sea". I'm just going to go through this weekend, just because I had a really good time.

Then, since he literally talks about this establishment every day, I decided to cave and go with him to Five Guys, since he hasn't even been since he moved from Texas. It looks gross, and I swear my heart actually stopped for a good minute, but damn, it was so delicious.

I want to delve so deeply about people and their phobias of interracial relationships, but i'll save that for later.
He also said I could have his Girl with the Dragon Tattoo poster, because he didn't have anymore room on his. I've never met a guy so nice. (Actually I have, but he was not my type, and too sweet. The kindest soul I've ever met)
I don't care that he impersonates Pokémon just to make me laugh when I'm sad, or that he tries to understand infinity scarves. I don't care that he has an accent and that all my friends make fun of him, because really, he is just as weird as I am.
Okay, I've had my sentimental moment of 2012, don't worry, It won't happen again. This is also the most I'll probably every post about him, since I feel awkward talking about my life sometimes.
Ugh, it's 1:22 a.m., my homework isn't done, and I want a burger.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Amendment 64.
"Maybe this world is another planet's hell."
First, because of my major, and because some of my professors worked for the DEA in their past lives, they are absolutely shocked at what is happening. Really? You're shocked that a law to legally do a drug that most people already do was passed? Don't show your age. Before I delve into the subject, let's get some facts alright?
- This allows adults over the age of 21 to recreationally use the drug, and is allowed to have 6 plants, at the most.
- You are only allowed to have up to 1 oz. in possession, and if you choose to gift it (happy holidays mother fucker), you are only allowed to gift 1 oz. to an individual 21 years or older.
- This law doesn't go into effect immediately, so all the "oh can't see colorado because of all the smoke" jokes can just stop.
I honestly don't want to put any other facts I'm not sure of, but these were the ones we discussed in class.
Alright. Let it be known that I have no problem with the legalization of marijuana. If you smoke it, smoke it. If you don't, you don't. If you need it for medical reasons, by all means, take care of yourself. It doesn't bother me at all, but just like religion, don't shove your beliefs about it down my throat. However, I see many flaws that this law hasn't addressed, or that I haven't seen. So, the questions have to be asked:
- Are workers allowed to be on the drug while working? Will they be allowed to smoke it while working? This really concerns me, mainly with people who work with heavy machinery.
- Do these people actually think that this is going to do anything?
- What if someone has more than 1 oz? How will an officer have probable cause to see if someone has maybe 2 oz. in his pocket?
- Do you really think this will stop people under 21 from smoking it?
With that being said, they need more regulation rules to this law. If this is serious, (which who knows these days, the world is filled with TROLLS), there needs to be certain rules to regulate the use of it. Private businesses will be able to make a limitation, but what about the others?
Also 1 oz and 6 plants? Really? Do you know how much weed can come from six properly tended plants? A lot. And if you and your neighbor have 6 each, that's quite substantial. I also feel like this will have similar situations of problems people had with cigs (buying for underage smokers). The average age of when a teenager first smokes weed is 14. You don't think that high schoolers will still buy from 21+? Of course they will. Teens have some sort of hormone in them that makes them want what they cannot have. And for a young adult who has legal weed, and willing teens to rip off? Psh. Gold. I know these aren't pressing issues, but just the ones on my mind. Next topic.
Okay. Is this really my generation's movement? Are we really going to be old and tell our kids, "Yeah, we made history, because we made weed legal in some states in 2012."Seriously? legalizing a drug that everybody (not everybody, but most, and more than most have at least tried it) does. That's our thing? This generation just astounds me. We are known as the technology generation, the fast food generation, and now this. Kudos to you young adults of America, kudos to you. I mean dams still exist, fracking still occurs, climate change, pipelines, etc. But we still can't move beyond these things that happen all the time. Like I said above, I don't mind the legalization of it, but why does it seem like this is a big focus? Why is this the focus of the young people of America? Another thing is, if this wasn't such a hot issue, would people my age even go and vote (besides the whole oh Obama is black and cool let's vote for him thing, because I could rant for days on that subject. Idiots.) I just wish we could devote all this work into something truly meaningful, like the environment, foreign policy, etc.
OKAY. Now to let what my AP Lit teacher taught me.
In dystopian novels, the government is portrayed as something that controls the citizens. They drug the people in order for the people to be apathetic to the horrible things happening. If you think about it, society is DOING IT TO ITSELF. I just think it is highly ironic because this is exactly what Huxley and Orwell had portrayed in their novels. hahaha.
Wake the fuck up people, and smell the coffee dat weed.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Back to black.
"And we sing this morning, that wonderful and grand old message. I don't know about you, but I never get tired of it. Number ninety-nine: Just. As. I. Am."
So. Even though I have a huge, and I mean HUGE week full of projects due, but, I'm still gonna write. What brought me back to this simple website? Well. I've been spending a little time with someone who makes me ultimately happy. And he decided that since we both say such great one liners, we should start putting them in a notebook. So I dug out my old moleskins, which I hid, when I went on my trip to Chicago/Lollapalooza (Which I wish never ended, since that was the best vacation of my life), so that my roommates wouldn't even try to look at them. I also changed my computer password to the one I use at work, which only my managers and me and one other girl knows. I'm paranoid, I know. But I trust no one. Anywhore, back to my story. I started looking through my old moleskines, and remembered how I used to love to write. This 18 hour semester has been killer, and I've forgotten all about writing, except when it comes to lab write ups and essays in español. So, I'm going to start writing again.
For the past three months my friendships haven't been so great, and I have no idea why. If someone doesn't want to talk to me, that's fine, I will give them space. But sometimes, a girl just needs somewhere to put her thoughts, you know? So thus, reason number two of why I'm back.
Reason number three? Well, there isn't one really. I'm just trying to do things again that made me happy. Because I've realized that happiness makes life easier. It's up to me if I want to be happy, not anyone else. I can't just sulk around because someone didn't or did something to me. So I made a list of things that made me happy, and writing was one of them. Clothes, food, and music are also on that list. So, a few weeks ago, I picked up my guitar again. I haven't played in two years, especially since I moved out, because all I do is work. I wish I had my piano here, but I don't. I still practice in my mind though.
So to old and new, welcome.
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