Sunday, February 24, 2013

Princess of China.

At work, there has been this song playing constantly, and it gets in my head so easily. Upon further investigation, I realized it was Princess of China by Coldplay and Rihanna. I watched the music video, and was confused, a little creeped out, and a little offended.

Okay, princess warrior of China, that's cool. Having no asians what so ever in the video, eh not so much. Also for being a princess of China, Rihanna totes is combining japanese, korean, and hinduism culture, with traces of chinese culture. I'm also confused as to what the whole video is even about. Kinda ruins the song for me, especially since I'm not really a Coldplay or Rihanna fan in the first place. But anyways.

I've been researching Crowley turntables, and Audio Technica models as well. I want one. I'll go halfsies with my best friend's boyfriend for her birthday, but I want one for myself too. That's the problem with gifts. I always give away what I want. But maybe for my birthday, someone will get one for me too? or go halfsies? That's just been on my mind lately.

I've also found a (good) recipe blog, and I can't wait to try some out. My life has been tasting a little lack luster. I mean you can only go so far with Cheerios and hummus, and guac.

I'm also annoyed with people and their respected significant others. I mean, does it not get boring to see them everyday? I mean, save that for marriage. Now, enjoy the moment. If you constantly see your S/O all the time, you're bound to lose friends, and annoy people in the process. Balance is key people, balance is key. I'm only annoyed because my car is rendered undriveable until the night, since my stupidy has struck again, I haven't gotten my tag for my car registered. It's been exactly a month from yesterday. Le sigh. I'll get it fixed tomorrow, if I don't get snowed in somewhere. Anyways, so I haven't left my boyfriend's apartment since we are being cautious, and because his brother sees his girlfriend literally 9 hours a day. In a row. Every. Day. It's just a little irritating. Last time I got snowed in, I discovered some music, and started imagining if I was a chinese princess warrior, and how bad ass I would be.

Thus bringing us full circle.

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