Okay, so I don't have real experience with this, or any statistics to back this up, but this is just from what I've observed.
- People (females) who have sex during the honeymoon, or infatuation stage, are more than likely to stay in that stage than a normal amount of time. I feel like this contributes to girls being more heartbroken for whatever reason in the end; they are just behind the other counterpart in the cycle.
- If you start lowering your standards, just to be with someone, and you don't realize it: no bueno.
- If you have to schedule your friends around your fucking menstruation cycle so you can have an excuse to not have sex, while seeing a friend, not only are you crazy, you are a horndog. (like really can I not see you when you are not a bitch?)
- If you are serious about a relationship, then you shouldn't have to lie about anything pertaining that relationship to anyone. (unless it's a good surprise, like birthdays or whatever.)
- If you are questioning if something is wrong, it probably is.
- Sleeping with an emotionally unstable man does no favors to anyone.
- If you spend your days sulking, whining, and complaining about the relationship, you are probably going to be in the infatuation stage for a while.
Okay I know that most of that didn't really make sense, but most of the people I associate with these days are actually crazy. Do people even hear themselves when they speak? Do people not know how to take their own dirt? These days, apparently not.
Number three... the hell?! Are you for real? Who the fuck does that? I would never do that! I would never THINK that was an option...