Sunday, December 2, 2012


I think that the end of the semester projects are taking a toll on me, and my level to see things that annoys me has heightened.

Here's some things that just push my buttons:

  1. If you think you are better than anyone, especially me. What have I done in my little life to make you feel so bitter towards me in any way? I'm just trying to live a happy life, and I'm done trying to be compared to people. I'm just going to be myself, and not even be phased by anyone. I try my best to not be a basic bitch, so really, cut me some slack.
  2. When people text "K". I won't respond to that, nope. If you don't want to talk to me, then don't even respond, because it simply amazes me how immature people can be that they have to send the "K" when I know you're probably complaining to someone else about the previous text you got earlier. Grow up, por favor.
  3. People who get cranky because they aren't "full" and only "satisfied". Think about it this way, you being satisfied is probably more than any child in some third world country could even imagine. Yep, that's right, I'm pulling out the kids in Africa card. Don't be a gluttonous bastard at every single meal, and be thankful for what you have.
  4. Why even stress anymore. I'm not going to lie, I stress out quite a bit, over school, work, what my roommates are plotting against me, etc. But, what's the point? I mean, I'm trying to not tell people that I am stressed and why, because really, what is the point? Because if you think about it, everyone, no matter how they act or say, has some sort of stress, whether it be about school, a boy, what to wear, where to work, or even a child who stresses what color the sky on their coloring sheet should be. I mean, do you ever have a conversation, where someone complains to you and then you're like "Oh my goodness, your stress is SO much more than my stress, I feel for you I really do. I have never heard of stress like that before." No, you probably haven't. In my experience, when someone complains about stress, the other person is usually like "oh." or they continue to go on about their stress, and try to one up the other's stress. Stress shouldn't be a competition. At all.
  5. People who try so damn hard to be a hipster, a hippie, or a vintage bitch. I mean, I do listen to some indie stuff, dress in certain ways, but I don't parade around like I'm better than anyone else. I just happen to enjoy similar things. I don't look down on people who dress like their going to a club (unless it's just really inappropriate in a bad setting), read fantasy novels instead of John Green and Sylvia Plath. I don't think that my wedding will be better than yours, because one will be "vintage" and the other "classic" I just don't. We all have our struggles, and each of us are different. Why do we have to be hateful over everything. It annoys the shit out of me, really.
  6. Last, but not least, couples that mask their issues with love. By this, I mean that people pretend to be happy, when they aren't. I know at least 7 couples that I simply adore. I really do, but they keep pretending that they are superior, and that they are so in love. But i'm not stupid, in fact, I should be one of the cleverest (is that even a word) people you know. I'm very observant, and even if your eyebrow moves in a certain way, I can tell your mood change. Anyways. Couples who flaunt their perfection on Facebook, Twitter, etc. really annoy me. Like why are there photos of you making out in his room? I mean, you obvs planned it. I don't even think about taking photos together when I'm with my boyfriend. I don't. Only if it's some place cool, like a museum or something. Every couple in the world has issues, I know I kind of do, and my parents did, and all my managers at work do. So there's no need for everyone to think you're the cutest around town. Because this isn't senior year of high school where people vote for you for the superlatives. It's just life, so please enjoy yourself.
Also, this is small and doesn't really deserve a number, but what is soft grunge, and what makes it soft? People on the internet astound me with what they can make popular.

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